Common Legal Struggles Faced by Businesses

business lawyers

Many businesses face legal struggles. According to reports, about 90 percent of all ventures get sued at least once. Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, there’s always the chance you could get in trouble or wind up in front of a judge.

All it takes is one lawsuit to ruin your company’s reputation—and put you out of business for good. That’s why addressing legal issues in your business from the start is essential. Below are some of the most common legal struggles you might face and how to manage them.

Employment Lawsuits

One of the most common legal struggles businesses face is employment lawsuits. Employees can sue companies for various reasons, such as wrongful termination, discrimination, or sexual harassment.

But you can avoid these kinds of lawsuits. All you need is clear policies and procedures to ensure that your employees know and understand them. Additionally, it would be best if you also documented everything. This strategy will help you create a paper trail that you can use to defend yourself in court, if necessary.

Having a solid grasp of employment law and staying up-to-date with any changes can avoid lawsuits—or at least be prepared to defend yourself if one does arise.

Contract Disputes

Another legal struggle that businesses face is contract disputes. It can happen when two companies disagree on the terms of a contract or when one company breaches a contract. It’s a commonly-occurring issue, but it can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.

To avoid contract disputes, be clear and concise when drafting contracts. Make sure both parties understand the terms of the agreement before signing anything. And if there are any changes to the contract, get them in writing and have both parties sign off on them.

Although the law often lightens contract disputes, it would be best if you tried to resolve them amicably. After all, going to court can be expensive, and it’s not always a guarantee that you’ll win.

Intellectual Property Infringement

Especially in today’s competitive business climate, intellectual property is more critical than ever. Your company’s intellectual property includes your brand, logo, and product design. So if another business uses them without your permission, it’s considered infringement.

Being proactive in protecting your intellectual property can help you avoid infringement. You can start by registering your trademarks and copyrights. This step will give you legal protection if someone does try to use your intellectual property without your permission.

It would help if you also had a solid understanding of the law surrounding intellectual property. Many sources of information are readily available, such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website or books on the subject. This way, you can quickly spot any potential infringement and take action accordingly.


When someone makes a false statement about your company, it can be in the form of slander (spoken defamation) or libel (written defamation). Either way, both can potentially damage your reputation. This part is where defamation solicitors come in.

A defamation solicitor can help you clear your name and repair any damage that’s been done to your reputation. They can also help you take legal action against the person who made the false statement.

Avoiding defamation altogether can be tricky. But you can take steps to reduce the risk, such as being careful about what you say about other people and companies. Additionally, it would be best if you also encouraged employees to do the same. When you’re mindful of what you say, it’s less likely that someone will make a false statement about you.

a lawyer between two businesspeople having a discussion


No business is immune to the complications of taxes. Taxes are always a headache whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years. The good news is that you can take steps to ease the burden.

One way to reduce the amount of taxes you owe is to take advantage of any deductions and credits you’re eligible for. For example, you can deduct the cost of business-related expenses, such as advertising or travel. Another way to lower your taxes is to stay organized and keep good records. In doing so, you can track your expenses and ensure you only claim the deductions you’re entitled to.

If you’re unsure about anything, it’s always best to work with a tax professional. These experts can help you navigate the complex world of taxes and ensure you’re paying what is right. As a result, you will avoid any costly mistakes.

Businesses face many legal issues, but the above are some of the most common. By understanding these issues and taking steps to avoid them, you can help keep your business on a solid legal footing. However, if you find yourself in a legal bind, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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