Unique Ways to Create an Inspiring Yet Aesthetic Work Environment

An average employee spends at least 40 hours a week at work, and some even spend more than 40 hours if the work demand is too high. And as an employee, they certainly want to make that time as fun as possible. Often, office designs play a vital role in employee motivation, which is primarily a job for the HR team.

Creating an inspiring work environment can improve the quality of life of every employee and keep them engaged, boosting the company’s overall performance.

Some companies have already integrated fun activities into the working area. Ping pong tables, pizza parties every Friday, and lounge rooms in offices are pretty standard nowadays. But this is the new generation we’re talking about. Young employees have higher expectations. Fret not! Here are some unique work environments you can try the next time you redesign the office.

Welcome Fur Pets

Everybody loves dogs and cats, and if you’re trying to find a way to keep your employees happy and energized, allowing fur pets in the office could be the answer. Set a meeting with your staff and ask if they think having office pets is a good idea. If they agree, start by having one to two dogs around.

The downside is that you might need to hire someone to look after the pets. Of course, they need to bathe, eat, and visit their vet. Your employees might like having them around but taking care of a pet is not part of their work responsibilities. Yet, you’ll be lucky if they volunteer to take care of the pets without extra pay.

Add Nature

Adding nature to the office design has many benefits for employees. The elements brought by nature can give them peace and joy at the same while they are working. It might not seem apparent to many people, but connecting to nature is good for mental health.

Your employees are not machines. They need to find calmness and tranquillity between their busy work schedule so that they can work efficiently. Besides, keeping them close to nature will significantly improve their mood, reducing stress and anxiety at work.

Give Them Treats

Employees work better if they feel appreciated. The best way for you to show appreciation is by treating them to a fantastic experience at work. There are many ways for you to give them a unique and vibrant experience in the office, such as:

  • Providing a coffee bar
  • Creating an accent wall
  • A nook with scented candles for homes
  • Installing a whiskey wall
  • Getting a popcorn cart
  • A corner for dessert and sweets

Lounge Room with a Twist

Employees like to gather in lounge rooms during their coffee break to have a short chat. But you can make the lounge room more fun for them by adding a few table games, a TV, some card games, or a music box.

Allow them to have at least 15 minutes of break in the afternoon, so they can have some snacks and drink coffee while they’re enjoying each other’s company. Doing this will promote friendship in the office and strengthen your employee’s professional relationships.

Monthly Decorations

Decorate the working area every month according to the holidays or current events. For example, encourage your employees to decorate their desks with Christmas decors during December or with Valentine decors during the season of love.

You can encourage your employees to participate by giving prices for the best decoration. Employee engagement is essential to keep their heads off work from time to time. Working may be stressful, but giving them activities to enjoy to clear their heads can be helpful so that they can work better afterward.

Host a Part Once a Month

Make it a habit to bring everyone together at least once a month. You can choose the best date for your office to have the party. But it’s ideal to have it on the last working day of the month, considering it an official event to welcome a new month with a positive outlook.

Order boxes of pizza, some cold beers, play games, and dedicate the day to having fun and interacting with one another. If you do this, your employees will develop camaraderie, essential in creating a peaceful and engaging work environment.

As an employer, you also have the responsibility to create a safe and fun space for your employees. Your tasks do not end in taking care of the company. You should also include employee welfare in everything you do, from keeping them safe to helping them stay energetic. To ensure that you succeed in doing so, ask for their suggestions and keep their opinions in mind. Consider the tips above the next time you plan to boost employee engagement.

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