Data Safety in the Age of Malware and Cyber Threats

man and woman holding a laptop

Businesses should be aware of the threat of data thieves and security breaches nowadays. The level of threat is the same whether they are startups or established ones. With the amount of data that businesses collect, ranging from personal information to credit card data, online thieves find it profitable to steal that information.   That is why you should take the right steps to secure your data. Here are some tips that could help:

Create a Security Plan

Don’t go into things blind. You should sit down with the IT team and review your current security procedures and have a solid security plan in mind. You should lay out in clear terms what you plan to do to protect your data and what your potential response is to data breaches. Having a plan ensures that you have goals and objectives for your data security. Besides that, it is easier to review a plan and find potential loopholes in it. This can make things easier for you in the long run.

Update Passwords Regularly

One of the big mistakes that many companies make when it comes to security is that they don’t change passwords at all. You need to have a set period of using a password and change them periodically. The best option is a monthly change so that you can consistently make it difficult for people to guess them. Have your IT team be in charge of password management so that your entire company follows the procedure.

Always Train Your People

A major weakness of any security plan is that people have to implement them. That is why you need to train your people, so they can recognize security threats and know when to take precautions. For example, phishing e-mails are so successful because they look real enough to the untrained eyes. Teaching your people to be cautious about opening any email is a great way to tighten your security.

Migrate to the Cloud

cloud migration conceptOne of the easiest ways to secure your data is by moving to the Cloud’s file storage platform. This means the data is not with you but within a cloud server. The only access points will be through your end and the server’s end. With the server, those in charge of the cloud will be doing their best to update it with the latest security protocols. All you need to do is train your people in data security properly so that they won’t allow anyone else to access the data. The cloud is great for small businesses since it provides high-level security and performance at a fraction of the cost.

Have a Backup

If you can’t have your entire server stay on the cloud, then backing it up is also an option. Businesses store backups on the cloud and they can then retrieve information in case of emergencies. Whether it is a malware attack or a natural disaster, having a backup is always a good idea.

Proper data protection is important to all businesses. With all the security threats out there, you do not want to get caught flat-footed. The advice above should help ensure that your business is safe from various threats. With the right approach, you can assure your customers that they can trust you with their personal information.

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