Here’s How You and Your Child Can Stay Safe When Visiting a Dentist in This Pandemic

dental treatment

For a parent, a screaming, crying child because of a dental problem can be a tough case to manage. Depending on the condition, you might have to bring them to a dental clinic.

The problem is the world is in the middle of a virus pandemic. How do you balance health and safety, especially when visiting a dentist?

1. Set Up an Appointment

Many states have already eased their restrictions, including Utah. You can already find an open dentist’s office, for instance. However, for your and the clinic’s safety, avoid dropping by without an appointment.

These clinics need to practice both social distancing and regular disinfection. Through appointments, they can plan the number of patients they will accept for the day and clean the clinic thoroughly in between.

2. Don’t Delay an Emergency

Calling ahead or booking an appointment also has another advantage: initial advice. Some cases can be non-urgent or elective, in which case you and your child can wait until situations get better.

However, for emergency cases, you need to bring your child as soon as you can to the clinic. These can include a broken or impacted tooth, gum swelling or bleeding, and tooth and gum sensitivity. These problems can affect their chewing, eating, and speaking abilities. Inflammation can lead to a more severe infection later.

3. Wear Masks at All Times

More studies show how masks are effective in helping control the pandemic. They can protect you from potential virus carriers and prevent others from getting sick if you or your child have the virus.

More likely too, the dental clinic will advise you to come in with a mask on. The child can remove the mask only when the dentist has to check or assess the dental problem.


4. Check for Signs and Symptoms

Some dental issues, such as gum swelling, can also show symptoms, such as fever. However, watch out if other problems accompany it, such as:

  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Headache
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Fatigue or body malaise

These are also signs and symptoms of COVID-19. If you believe you’ve been exposed to the virus, don’t proceed to the dental clinic first. Call your GP and get medical advice, including getting you and your child swabbed. Wait for clear results before you schedule an appointment with a dentist.

5. Limit Companions

If you’re used to having the entire family trooping to the dental clinic, then you have to stop the habit—at least for now. As mentioned, these clinics practice social distancing, which means the space cannot afford to overcrowd.

Since the patient is a child, they need one adult companion, who might need to stay outside, like the lounge. While there, avoid talking to any of the stuff unless necessary. Don’t take off the mask.

Being in the middle of the pandemic doesn’t mean you can forget about dental care, especially if it’s an emergency and involves your child. Get help when you have to, but stay safe with these tips.

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