How to Make Your Motorcycle Experience a Safe One


Do you know that motorcycles are the riskiest vehicles? Riding one is more dangerous than driving a car. However, you can reduce your odds of getting hurt by keeping safety measures in mind.

While you can’t keep all dangerous situations from happening, you can take steps to make your motorcycle-riding experience a safe one. Apart from wearing a helmet and other protective gear, here are some pointers to help you maintain your safety while on the road:

Before Hitting the Road

Check the tire pressure before a ride while making sure there aren’t cuts or lodged foreign objects. You should also inspect the controls to see if the cables are durable or if there are signs of stiffness.

Make sure that the brakes, lights, turn signals, and horn are all working well. Also, take the time to check the oil and fuel. You should look into the coolant levels if your bike is liquid-cooled.

While on the road

Watch out for potential hazards, such as railroad tracks and transition curves. To make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings, don’t set your sights on one object for more than two seconds. Also, be sure that other drivers can see you by having your headlamps turned on, even during the day. You should avoid riding behind or in the blind spots of larger vehicles.

If you’re running at speeds under 40 mph, maintain a two-second gap between you and the vehicle ahead. When you’re at higher speeds on the open road, keep the gap at three or four seconds. Never try to overtake other vehicles when you’re approaching a corner.

Be on the alert when approaching intersections. Check for any vehicle coming from the sides and behind.

When Driving at Night

driving at night

Riding a motorcycle at night is a different experience than riding during the day. Although there are less traffic and a lower chance of getting hit by another vehicle, night riding comes with its own set of potential hazards. Your visibility is reduced, and things such as potholes, bumps, and metal grates are harder to see.

The best way to adjust to the challenges of riding at night is to lower your speed. With reduced speed, you can give yourself more reaction time in case you encounter potential hazards.

Also, be sure to use motorcycle gears with reflective fabric. You might want to add some thin reflective tapes to your equipment or bike as well. They are hardly visible during the day but highly noticeable at night. If possible, plan a route that keeps you from riding along dark or curvy roads.

Whether you are riding your bike during the day or at night, be extra careful. Apart from putting your life at risk, motorcycle accidents can cost you money.

If you get involved in a collision, have your kin contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Salt Lake City immediately. With a reliable and professional accident attorney at your side, there’s a good chance you’ll receive the compensation that you desire.

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