The Importance of Data Centers and How to Plan For One

IT administrators

In today’s digital age, data centers are more important than ever before. This facility houses computer systems and other components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. Data centers have undeniably become a necessary part of our lives, with many relying on them for everything from personal entertainment to work and school.

The US government recognizes the importance of data centers and has made them a priority in recent years. In 2016, the General Services Administration (GSA) detailed the importance of data centers and outlined how government agencies can plan for and build their own data centers. GSA then worked with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to spearhead the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI), which aims to regulate and encourage the development of data centers across the country.

But why are data centers so important anyway?

1. Data centers help keep people connected.

In the increasingly digital world, people rely on data centers to keep them connected to others and the information they need. Without data centers, people would be cut off from email, online shopping, social media, and many other essential online services.

2. Data centers help with productivity.

Many businesses rely on data centers to store critical business information and applications. Data centers also enable remote working, which allows employees to work from anywhere in the world.

3. Data centers help keep people stay safe.

Data centers store critical infrastructure information, such as power grid data or medical records. If this information were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be used to cause widespread damage or harm.

4. Data centers help conserve resources.

Data centers consolidate equipment and eliminate the need for paper records. Data centers can help save energy and reduce carbon emissions by storing everything in one central location.

a man with his hands laid out and symbols of digital technology around it

And what do you need to plan for when building one?

Cooling Systems

Data centers generate a lot of heat, so they must have a cooling system to prevent equipment from overheating. Data center cooling units regulate the facility’s temperature and help reduce humidity levels in the data center. This is important because high humidity levels can lead to condensation, which can damage electronic components.

When choosing a cooling system for a data center, it’s essential to consider the size of the facility and the climate. Data centers in warm temperatures will need a more robust cooling system than those in cooler climates. It’s also important to consider the power usage of the equipment housed in the data center, as this will affect the cooling requirements.

Power Systems

Data centers require a lot of power to operate, so it’s important to have a reliable power source. The most common power system used in data centers is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which provides backup power in case of a power outage. It’s more frequently used because its backup can give power, even for a short period, to keep the data center running until the primary power source is restored.

When choosing a power system for a data center, it’s important to consider the capacity and efficiency of the UPS. The capacity is the maximum amount of power the UPS can provide, and the efficiency is the percentage of power converted into usable energy. It’s also important to consider the types of loads that will be powered by the UPS, as this will affect the size and capacity requirements.


Data centers need to have a telecommunications system in place to connect to the outside world. The most common telecommunications system used in data centers is called an Ethernet. This computer network allows computers to communicate with each other.

It’s important to consider the speed and capacity requirements. The speed is the rate at which data can be transferred, and the capacity is the maximum amount of data that can be shared. It’s also important to consider the type of equipment used in the data center, as this will affect the telecommunications requirements.

Storage Systems

Lastly, data centers need to have a storage system in place to store all the data and information that they process. The most common storage system used in data centers is called a SAN (storage area network), a type of computer network that allows storage devices to be connected to computers. This is popular because it allows for the easy expansion of storage capacity.

Remember that the type of data that will be stored and the company’s growth will affect the capacity and performance requirements. Therefore, it’s important to consider these factors to ensure that the system can accommodate the needs of the business.

Data Centers are important for many reasons. They help keep people connected, productive, and safe and conserve resources. If you are considering building a data center, there are many things to consider, including size, location, cooling requirements, and security needs. Keep in mind to consult with experts when planning your data center so that you can build a high-quality facility that meets your specific needs.

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