Improving Oral Health Care Services in Rural America

dentist checking up on patients teeth

Oral health care is of massive importance to an individual’s well-being. However, not every person is privileged to have quality healthcare. You do not even have to think too hard or as far as third-world countries before you figure out who these people are. Right here, in the land of the free, you can find individuals who suffer from what should be a basic human necessity.

Rural localities in America are filled with folks such as this. They lack proper dental hygiene and, worse, a cure for the oral illness when it does happen. The important question running through your mind right now is, “how can this be stopped or controlled.”

Luckily, this post has all the correct answers. Keep reading to learn how we can improve oral health in the rural communities in America.

Dental Health Education

To solve any problem, one must first begin at the root. For this reason, proper education on the benefits of oral health should be a part of every child’s basic training. The rural communities should have schools that teach the child to care for their oral health, the dangers of not doing so, and the best ways to solve the problem if it occurs.

In addition, campaigns that support and encourage dental careers should be put in place in these communities. This would help children be interested in having healthy, strong teeth.

Deployment of Dental Health Services in These Areas

Undoubtedly, a rise in the number of dental health professionals and their services around these communities would increase visits by the people affected with oral troubles. The government can help set up these services in areas facing such problems. So, go ahead and write a letter to your councilor, they would be more than happy to help.

Plus, mobile dental health services are now a thing if a traditional dental health care facility is too costly to run instantaneously. The dental health professional can move around to these communities using treatment aided by technology like digital orthodontics to examine and prescribe treatments for oral health illnesses.

Adoption of Best Dental Practices
couple brushing their teeth together

Another major way to improve oral health is following the recommended and easiest dental practices.

  • Brushing teeth twice daily: people living in rural communities should not play with the toothbrush. This would prevent them from having to visit the dentist. Brushing twice daily is perhaps the most common advice on dental health care and should be embraced appropriately.
  • Changing and choosing toothbrushes: No matter how hard, a toothbrush is not meant to be used forever. On that note, your toothbrush should also not be so hard that it would harm your gums. You should change your toothbrush at most, at the end of the third month from the point of first use.

Also, as mentioned earlier, when choosing toothbrushes, you do not need to go for the hard-bristled options. Rather, the soft ones are better. You can also go for electronic toothbrushes as well; these types of toothbrushes would protect your teeth as well as your gum.

  • Brushing the tongue: Often, we forget the tongue exists when we brush. This should not be so. Bacteria gather on the teeth, gum, and tongue as well. So, if you care about your dental hygiene, you should care about your tongue.
  • Reducing coffee and sodas: Taking coffee in the morning has become a habit which we can’t seem to help ourselves against. However, despite being able to give you a daily boost, coffee can also have some side effects on your oral health. It is best to reduce the regular intake of these liquids for the safety of the teeth.

Introduction of Dental Therapists

Dental therapists are experts in the oral health care field. They provide services which include:

  • The removal of loose teeth
  • Covering of cavities
  • Recommending best practices for dental care and so much more

The best part about these experts is that their services are pretty affordable. This makes them a good choice for individuals in the rural communities

Final Thoughts

The issue of oral health requires utmost concern. However, this is not often realized by the people that need it most. The people in the rural areas cannot have access to these services for a bunch of reasons. Among which are:

  • Lack of care or interest in dental hygiene
  • Low access to oral health services
  • Cost of treatment (individuals who reside in these areas usually lack insurance that covers their oral health)

The solution to these problems has been discussed, and if appropriately employed, we will be one step closer to achieving good oral health for the general population.

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