How Small Businesses Can Increase Their Customer Engagement


Thanks to technology, it’s now possible to communicate directly to customers and potential buyers. The marketing game has drastically changed because of this. The common goal of small businesses, which is to increase sales, has never been more accessible than it is now. With the help of online platforms, marketing has become more varied and has a wider reach. However, online presence is only as good as you want it to be.

You might have the channels, tools, and marketing strategies, but your efforts will be half-baked if you don’t take a step further. What is this extra step? How does this make all the difference? To put it simply, this step will make or break your brand’s image for your viewers. It’s interaction.

Increasing online engagement with potential buyers contributes to sales because an interaction may influence a viewer’s buyer journey (and maybe even the bystanders). All it takes is one interaction to help them feel listened to, to make them feel they matter, and the rest will follow.

Although it’s not exactly that easy. Like anything else, this needs some planning, strategy, and creativity. Below are some suggestions to help you boost online engagement and, eventually, sales.

Be Active

If you haven’t yet, establish your company’s online presence. If you’re not sure which platform to start with, choose where the people are. If people are on social media, it makes sense that you be on there too (especially if your target demographic falls between ages 18-29). Depending on which social media platforms you decide to go for, consider the statistics and gauge which platforms you want to dive into. Facebook and Youtube are the two most popular platforms with about 2.85 billion and 1.86 billion active users respectively. This is followed by Instagram and Pinterest.

In your quest to bring your business online, you must know when to upload your material, as people’s activity on a platform fluctuates throughout the week. This is the ideal time to post because not only will it improve the probability of your material being seen, it will also enhance the likelihood of engagement.

Being active means being ready to answer questions and concerns too. Since the internet is the most accessible means for customers to communicate their concerts, you have to be on the other end on standby. For these concerns, it’s best to have customer service, a vehicle fleet management system, and any other system in place to better cater to them and their concerns.

Respond to Consumer’s Interactions


Now that you’ve structured your online channels and streamlined your content, you can finally move on to the next big thing: forming a relationship with your audience. Although producing clickable content is crucial, it’s only a gateway to interaction. When your audience reacts or asks questions, the ball is on your court. Respond to their comments, reactions, and questions. This boosts morale and the performance of your post. Knowing that your Facebook page is active and responsive also encourages other prospective buyers to ask a question or two.

Keep Your Content Varied

Sticking to one format can be boring. You want to keep making quality and clickable content to keep everyone on their toes. Don’t just showcase your brand’s products, let it show the personality and culture too. Interactive and clickable formats include video, written, infographics, graphic design, and more. Keep them interested so they are compelled to react.

Hold Giveaways

What better way to generate attention than by giving away free merchandise?

When brands host giveaways, there are metrics involved to qualify for the giveaway. With each entry, a brand could get new followers, increased engagement, and increased brand awareness. It’s a fantastic approach to promote your business to untapped consumers through the circles of participants. The buzz will surely make anyone curious and even want to join in on the fun.

Host CSR Events


Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the backbones of a company’s identity. Many businesses are it big or small choose to integrate CSR into their business model. Businesses are becoming more self-aware of their carbon footprint and impact on society, and are holding themselves accountable for it.

Hosting CSR-related events help consumers see the humanity in your business, making them drawn to it and want to engage in it even more. Aside from the CSR activities done internally, having other initiatives in line with your CSR like community volunteering, fundraising, or a charity drive. A business partaking in activities to give back to the community doesn’t just help with raising engagement and brand awareness, it’s helping those in need too.

Technology has afforded us opportunities, tools, and resources to achieve things that would otherwise require more effort in the traditional route. In this context, small businesses have found ways to increase their online engagement with their customers. With the right strategies and the tools already available, small businesses don’t just reach their customers. They can form relationships with them too.

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