Tips for Keeping Community Health Centers Safe

Healthcare center

• Provide resources for personal protection equipment (PPE) for visitors and proper training on how to use it.

• Implement contactless check-ins and payment methods such as QR codes or online forms.

• Utilize technology such as telehealth services and smart door locks with surge protection.

• You need to invest in sanitation supplies and regular cleanings/disinfections of high-touch surfaces.

• Have clear safety protocols in place, including instructions on the use of PPE, social distancing measures, guidelines for entering the facility, etc.

Community health centers are essential in providing care to people who may not have access to traditional healthcare options. But, with the everchanging pandemic, it’s important to ensure these centers are safe and secure. Here are a few tips to help you ensure community health centers remain a safe space for everyone.

Provide resources for personal protection equipment (PPE).

Ensure that all visitors have access to PPE, such as masks, gloves, and face shields when needed. This should be made available both on-site at the center as well as through online or mail-order services if possible. Additionally, it’s important that you provide proper training on how to use PPE correctly so that everyone is comfortable and familiar with its use.

Implement contactless check-ins and payment methods where possible.

Try contactless check-in methods such as QR codes or online forms whenever possible. This will reduce the risk of physical contact between staff members and visitors while still allowing them to get the information they need quickly and efficiently. Additionally, look into offering contactless payment methods like Apple Pay or Google Pay so that visitors do not need to handle cash or cards during their visit.

Utilize technology where applicable.


Consider using telehealth services whenever possible so patients can receive care from a distance instead of physically coming into the center itself. Many software solutions can also help streamline patient management processes, such as scheduling appointments or tracking vital signs remotely without having to physically interact with other individuals at the center.

There are also tech solutions for keeping the building safe and secure, such as smart door locks. Smart door locks allow you to control who enters the center remotely and even track when they arrive or leave. Make this type of lock well-maintained, as it will be used frequently. This means regularly checking the door lock’s power supply and replacing the battery as needed. You should also consider buying a better door lock power supply with surge protection in case of power outages. This will protect the door lock from being damaged.

Invest in sanitation supplies and regular cleanings/disinfections of high-touch surfaces throughout your facility daily.

Make sure that everyone is aware of the importance of proper hand hygiene, and make sure you have ample supplies of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available throughout your facility. Additionally, be sure to invest in regular cleanings and disinfections of any high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs or desks. This will help reduce the risk of the spread of any germs or bacteria throughout your facility.

Have clear safety protocols in place.

Make sure everyone is aware of the safety protocols in place, including visitors, staff members, and volunteers. Your safety protocols should include the following:

Clear instructions on how to correctly use PPE

This includes proper donning and doffing of masks and gloves. This is important to help prevent the spread of germs.

Social distancing measures

This includes having clearly marked areas for visitors and staff members to maintain a 6-foot distance from each other. Additionally, you should limit the number of people allowed in any given area at one time.

Guidelines for visitors and staff members on entering the facility


Your guidelines should include mandatory temperature checks and/or health screenings, as well as any other protocols you have in place to protect the safety of your visitors and staff.

Clear protocols for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces

This should include a schedule for regularly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, as well as the proper use of PPE when doing so.

By having clear safety protocols in place, you can help ensure that everyone who visits your community health center feels safe and secure.

Ensuring community health centers are safe and secure for all is essential. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can help protect your visitors, staff members, and volunteers from potential harm while they receive care at these centers. From providing PPE to implementing contactless check-ins and payment methods, investing in sanitation supplies, and having clear safety protocols in place, many steps can be taken to keep everyone healthy and safe. With just a few simple changes, you can ensure your community health center remains safe for everyone who visits it.

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