4 Ways to Make Your House Appealing to Young Homebuyers Online

young couple buying house

You can buy anything online these days. The online marketplace has expanded into a vast listing of anything marketable. This includes things you thought you could only shop for in person. Things such as houses. This real-estate evolution keeps evolving because of easy access online. The National Association of Realtors conducted a study with Google and found that 90% of home buyers searched online during the buying process. This only shows that people have become more comfortable shopping through the internet.

Meanwhile, Realtor.com states that more millennials are buying houses to accommodate their own growing families. As we all know, there are a lot of millennials using the internet. There’s a big chance that these millennials are actually shopping for houses online. So if you’re selling your house, you might want to sell it through the digital platform. Look into enticing the millennial market.

In this case, you would want to make your house more appealing to the younger buyers. But how would you do that if you’re doing the sale online? Here are some tips you can follow.

Highlight space

Millennials are taking over real estate as “move up” buyers. Meaning, they’re buying houses to have more space since they’re having kids. That’s why it’s good if you can highlight how spacious your place is once it’s up on listings. Give a glimpse of your roomy bedrooms. Your capacious kitchen would give more space for moms who like to multi-task. Show buyers that your living room is very spacious that they can set up a home office. There are a lot of ways to highlight space in your house to boost sale potential. You need to focus on this aspect since regardless of age, buyers would really look into how spacious a house is.

Focus on aesthetics

The internet has played a role in honing millennials’ tastes in style. Social media has made this possible. Millennials heavily rely on social media when it comes to aesthetics. All the ideas they pin on Pinterest can influence their tastes. That includes house buying preferences. So if you’re targeting millennials to buy your home, you need to focus on the looks. Beautify your home first so they’re Instagram-ready. Start with the paint that you think would accentuate the house’s structure.

Embellish your floor surface with decorative concrete resurfacing coatings. Set up good lighting. Make the house look very neat. Entice your focused demographic by making your house look appealing to them. Make your house an online sensation by doing these.

Promote location’s safety

A good selling point you can highlight is your location’s safety. Who wouldn’t want to live in a peaceful neighborhood? Younger people know how dangerous a place can get. With all the crazy things they see on the news lately, they would want to live somewhere safe. If you had the chance to promote how secured your place is, you might want to include that as an advantage.

House hunters would always prefer homes located in an area where crime rates are low. This is true especially when home buyers are young people who are just starting a family. They would always want their little children away from any type of harm. So if you have any idea how safe your neighborhood is, don’t hesitate to give this asset a spotlight.

Show proximity to establishments

One thing younger generations are known for is being always on the go. They like things fast-paced. So it would help if your house’s location is near pharmacies, hospitals, restaurants, and more. If that’s the case, you can give this feature a great emphasis. It’ll also be attractive to young homebuyers if your property is accessible to transportation. Anyone will find it comforting if their travel hours from their home to their workplace are short. Since these listings can only be seen online, you should include a detailed description of which establishments are accessible

On the other hand, some listings can include a live map of your house’s location. It’ll be easier for homebuyers to see which establishments are the closest to their propertyThis will also make it easier for you to show buyers that your place is accessible to any important roads and establishments.

Before anything else, you have to remember this. Get your house ready for visitations. Buyers are expecting the same things they saw from your online listing. Curb appeal is still important. Meanwhile, translate curb appeal into a presentation that fits better for the digital age. A few enhancements and tricks can boost your home’s marketability. Increase your property’s selling potential online by applying these tips.


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