Six Signs You Should Upgrade Your Business Hardware

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The hardware components of your business can range from your computers, telephony systems, printers, servers, video cards, and portable storage devices. Basically, all kinds of physical tech are categorized as hardware, and they do take up a significant amount of your IT budget.

That being said, some businesses find it hard to upgrade their hardware due to limited finances, while for others, they just don’t have any idea when to replace theirs. To guide you in this, we’ve listed the top signs that it’s already time for you to do a hardware update.

1. Vulnerable security

Depending on how you maintain your business network, it can either be a sanctuary where you perform secure communication and interactions or a hub of business data vulnerability. Utilizing outdated hardware for your operations and process puts your data at risk. Experienced hackers can access poorly protected networks in just a matter of seconds.

The good news is, most modern hardware solutions are easy to use and require minimal maintenance. For instance, you can buy a dedicated firewall appliance to protect your business data and network from security breaches.

2. Outdated software

This should be obvious. If you can update your software and systems, then your outdated hardware needs upgrading. Having slow and old hardware equipment will prevent you from running advanced programs that need security patches or ongoing updates. That means you’ll most likely end up using old software for your operations, too.

Furthermore, keep in mind that outdated software is very much vulnerable to cyberattacks or unauthorized access. The last thing you want to happen is you putting your sensitive and important data in the hands of hackers.

3. Reduced productivity


If you can’t upgrade your software solutions due to old, outdated hardware equipment, your employees can’t also get their job done accurately and efficiently. At the same time, they can’t possibly guarantee the security of their work or projects. This could result in poor productivity and efficiency within the workplace. Your employees are frustrated, your clients are unsatisfied, the operations are subpar, and the potential investors are left unimpressed.

These days, many businesses invest in mini PC solutions to boost productivity in their workforce. These hardware devices make great portable desktops for various uses such as business presentations, seminars, and training sessions.

4. Costly maintenance and repairs

Acquiring that hardware of yours is already costly, but the maintenance and repairs can cost more if your equipment is already nearing its end date. It’s true that repairs and maintenance can cost less compared to replacement. However, outdated hardware devices do tend to require more expensive upkeep.

If you’re noticing that you’re spending too much money on hardware maintenance and repair, then maybe it’s time to just get a new one. If the faulty hardware is still covered by warranty, try to have it replaced, saving you thousands of dollars.

5. High energy consumption

As you already know, newer tech devices and equipment are generally more efficient, which means they consume less energy. If you’re allocating too much money on your energy bills, then that’s an obvious sign you need to switch to newer, energy-efficient hardware tech. It might be a hefty investment upfront to upgrade your devices, from computers to printers. But talking about the long term, it could save you a significant amount. It’s a bonus that you also get to own a more sustainable workplace, which is helpful for reducing greenhouse emissions and protecting the environment.

6. Excessive downtime

One of the major causes of operational downtime is outdated technology, which can be harmful to your business performance. Slow company hardware leads to slow customer responses and wasted employee time. And the worse? It gives your company a bad reputation in the market. Check what’s causing your costly downtime. If it’s indeed your hardware and software, upgrade your tech immediately. This enables you to use better customer service support platforms to provide a better experience.

Excessive downtime is also a clear sign that your business is already outgrowing your technology. If you don’t scale up your hardware as your company grows, it can be more challenging for you to increase your employees, launch new products, and make your customers satisfied.

Your business’ hardware is highly critical for the efficiency of your operations and process, from managing employee records to keeping track of product inventory. You basically need your physical equipment to implement and access all your business systems, programs, and applications. With faulty and inefficient hardware, you’re obviously on the brink of more frequent operation issues.

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