The Cloud: Common Mistakes that Small Businesses Make


Cloud computing offers a multitude of benefits for business owners, which is why a majority of businesses today now use at least one form of cloud computing. However, moving to the cloud is not as easy as it may seem. If you want to avoid putting your business at risk, here are some of the most common cloud computing mistakes to avoid:

1. Not doing your research

Not all cloud reseller businesses and providers are the same, and just because another business thrived with one provider doesn’t mean that you will have the same results. Hence, adequate research must be done before signing on any dotted line. Test multiple providers, consult experts, and mull the options over with your team before settling on a decision.

2. Forgetting about bandwidth needs

Every cloud-based system requires an Internet connection. However, your current Internet plan might not be able to support your cloud computing needs. And without an upgrade, your business’ productivity may suffer because of the slow Internet. If you want to avoid this problem, have your IT manager assess if the current bandwidth speed and stability are sufficient for cloud computing.

If they find that the business Internet is too slow or unreliable, find a better Internet package in your area. Otherwise, you might not be able to reap the full benefits of migrating to the cloud.


3. Wanting to do everything all at once

Cloud migration should be a gradual process. It is not easy to migrate a whole business to the cloud–no matter how small it might be, and many things can go wrong. When you force cloud migration to happen overnight, it can disrupt your operations as well as increased downtime. Both scenarios, of course, can lead to revenue losses.

4. Ignoring security concerns

It is a common misconception among businesses that moving to the cloud means guaranteed safety from data breaches and web attacks. But in reality, when you move the cloud, you’re facing a whole new set of security concerns that require different measures.

Being proactive about cloud security is the best way to protect your data, which is crucial for all businesses, especially those that deal with sensitive information. Your provider may have their security measures in place, but this doesn’t mean you can forgo having your own security protocols. Moreover, you must work with your provider to ensure that the security measures they have are compliant with the law (e.g., HIPAA compliance).

5. Failing to plan and prioritize

Cloud migration yields smooth results if done with thorough planning beforehand. So if you want to make the transition as smooth and hassle-free as possible, spend enough time with your line-of-business leaders and IT managers to plan the migration. During this planning stage, prioritize which infrastructures or functions should be migrated first. In this way, you can minimize the downtime and disruptions your business will face.

For a small business, cloud computing offers many benefits, such as expanded data storage, remote access, and increased productivity through collaboration, among many others. However, to reap the full benefits of cloud-based services, these are the mistakes that you should avoid at all costs.

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