The Corporate School: Training and Learning during the Pandemic

online training

If there’s one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, it’s that learning never stops, no matter what age you are. As the pandemic spread throughout the world, a lot of people have shifted from working at the office to working at the home. This also freed some valuable time to use in something else, like learning new things.

Let’s say that you are a corporate armed security office that’s very good at your job. You’ve found yourself suddenly working reduced hours or alternating between days because your company has been operating partially. You join a lot of other people in working reduced hours and you can finally try to learn a new language or train in a different industry, like learning how to code or write.

Instead of concentrating on the pandemic’s negative effects on different industries, it may be better to just try to learn something new. You can also take that free time and train yourself to become better at your job. The keyword here is ‘learn’.

Creating Connections Even in Virtual Work

If you’ve got a lot of new employees, the new work may be a little too overwhelming for them. But there are a lot of things that can be overwhelming for them as well. What’s worse, they’re going to juggle all these with the uncertainties of the current situation, all while keeping a level-head for work.

Help them by bridging the gap between old and new — that is, giving them an experienced employee to learn from. It creates camaraderie in your workforce, even if most or all of them are working from home. They can exchange stories about their current experiences, aside from the newbies gaining useful advice about work from their colleagues.

Bridging the Gap between Management and Rank and File

Another thing that’s important during this time is to bridge the gap between the higher-ups and the employees. The best leaders are the ones that are very accessible at this time. They also give time to reaching out to their employees and learning about what they’re currently going through.

A good tactic to adopt would be to establish regular communication through one-on-ones. During this time, the employees can hear what the plans of the company are straight from the boss’ mouth. They can also make some of their concerns known, as well as get a direct answer from the management about this.

Foster Mentorship

The best education and learning you can get is from a mentor, usually someone from your field who you look up to. You know that you’ve entered a good company when they foster your professional relationship with someone from the same company who will mentor you.

Aside from the obvious connections, they will help you get within the company you work for; they will also help you advance your career. They should have a network of colleagues as well as other mentors like themselves whom they can refer you to so that you can get further education in your field.

two people mentoring

Keep Up your Performance

If your company is an important industry that’s needed during COVID-19 — like food and essential services, for example — you need to make sure your workers are 100% committed to delivering their peak performance. That also means that you need to make sure all the training you’re doing won’t get in the way.

All things non-essential should take a backseat during the COVID-19 pandemic. All things you do should be to help your company respond to the crisis at hand.

Keep Yourselves Busy

During the pandemic, a busy company is a working company; working for those who need your services is good but being busy with the right stuff is better. There are also benefits that you get from this, but the most important thing is to schedule the right training and learning sessions for your employees.

There are many benefits but the most important one so far might be that you help your employees become busy enough to get their minds off things. Reports on top of reports of the COVID-19 situation might weigh heavily on everyone’s heads, with some people feeling it more than most. Keeping busy with the right stuff benefits everyone in the long run.

There are a lot of uncertainties around during this pandemic, but you must keep your composure. Make sure that you’ve got the right mindset for your company. Schedule the right kind of training for your employees; the right ones will help you stay sharp and focused on your services for people that are heavily impacted by the COVID-19 situation.

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