Why Is Your Child Struggling at School?

teacher in front of the class

Having a child struggling at school is a challenging experience for any parent to go through. It can be both bewildering and frustrating since you might have no idea why they are struggling so much. Often, the default thought for a kid underperforming is simply a result of them not working hard or skimping on studying. Don’t instantly assume the worst and punish them. In reality, several factors influence how a child performs at school. Here are some reasons why your child is having difficulties at school.

  1. Stress at home

A stressful home environment is one of the key factors that influence how students perform in the classroom. Stress at home can include issues such as parents fighting, a lack of space to study, financial burden in the household, or abusive family members. These issues can contribute to a child feeling insecure. Too much of their mental capacity gets tied up in dealing with this stressful domestic environment. Emotionally managing the situation can be mentally exhausting, leaving a limited will to retain information for school topics. The best approach to addressing this anxiety is to try to manage or alter the situation causing the stress factors at home. If differences between individuals at home create arguments, try to compartmentalise the issues so that your child is not exposed to them.

  1. Poor teaching style

Another cause for difficulty at school may be that your child doesn’t understand the teacher. Your child’s teachers should be creative and involved. Your child’s failure to take an interest in the topics at school can indicate the teaching style is not effective. Most times, the problems can be resolved by talking to the teacher, with the child, to work out what the issues are and how to resolve them. You can also discuss with other parents, and if no changes are noticed, raise your concerns at the next level, such as the year leader or head of department. Sometimes, the issue is that the subject is difficult for the child to follow, despite efforts made by parents and teachers to help them understand. In these cases, external assistance from specialist companies such as The Tutor Surgery can give your child a boost to catch-up in class or be prepped for upcoming exams.

little girl feeling sad

  1. An undiagnosed medical issue

Undetected medical issues are another reason for a lag in performance. Certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes can cause sluggishness, along with hormonal imbalances. If the cause of a sudden downturn in performance cannot be identified, consider consulting a doctor. They could also have an undiagnosed learning disability such as dyslexia. If they are already taking medication, the side effects of the drug may result in brain fog and memory loss; if this is a possibility, seek advice at the chemists.

  1. Bullying

Unfortunately, bullying can be prevalent in school if not countered effectively. Being bullied can lead to a child’s lose of interest in studies, make them fearful of going to school and reluctant to join in socially. Bullying can reduce their participation in class and create low self-esteem. If you suspect that your child is suffering from being bullied, talk to them and their teachers immediately. Schools have mechanisms and procedures to deal with the issue sensitively but firmly.

Every parent wants their child to be successful at school and do well in exams. If they fall short of expectations, take time to work through the problems with them. The teachers are there to give the knowledge, but the parents provide moral support.

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