Five Reasons Why People Get Deported From the U.S.

According to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), there were more than 250,000 deportations from the U.S. in 2019 alone. That’s a lot of people being removed from the country.

In case you didn’t know, deportations are the formal removal of a non-citizen from the U.S., typically for violating immigration laws.

So, what are some reasons why people get deported from the U.S.? Here are five common reasons why.

Illegal Crossing

The first and most obvious reason people get deported from the United States is that they illegally cross the border. This is a federal offense and, as such, is punishable by deportation. If you’re caught crossing the border without proper documentation, you will be arrested and processed for deportation.


If you come to the United States on a temporary visa, you must leave before your visa expires. If you overstay your visa, you will be subject to deportation proceedings. There are several reasons why people overstay their visas, such as finding work or getting married. Regardless of the reason, if you overstay your visa, you will be deported. Just a rule of thumb, most temporary visas, including the ones from the United States, only allow visitors to stay for six months.

Committing a Crime

If you commit a crime while in the United States, you will be subject to deportation proceedings. The severity of the crime will determine how quickly you are processed for deportation. For example, if you commit a felony, you will be deported immediately. If you commit a misdemeanor, you may be able to stay in the United States until a judge has adjudicated your case. However, even if you are found not guilty of the crime, you may still be deported, depending on your immigration status.

Being a Public Charge

If the government finds that you are likely to become a public charge—that is, someone who relies on government assistance—you may be deported. It’s usually determined by looking at factors such as your employment history, health, and financial situation. If the government believes you are likely to become a public charge, they may deem you inadmissible and order your deportation.

Failing to Register

All male U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents between 18 and 25 must register with the Selective Service System (SSS). Failure to do so can result in denial of citizenship or permanent residency status and deportation proceedings. While it is rare for someone to be deported solely for failing to register with the SSS, it is possible if other factors are also present (such as committing a crime).

These are five reasons people can be deported from the United States. If you are not a citizen of the United States, or just a temporary one, you must understand these reasons to avoid being deported. In addition, here are other tips to avoid deportation.

Be a Law-Abiding Citizen

If you’ve moved to the United States as an immigrant or just visiting, you must follow the government’s laws and regulations. It includes not only immigration laws but also abiding by all other laws, such as traffic violations or not committing crimes.

Additionally, you should avoid any actions that may lead to suspicion about your immigration status. It includes not using false documents or lying on immigration forms.

Keep Up-to-Date With Your Visa Status

If you are in the United States on a temporary visa, keep track of when it expires and leave before that date. If your circumstances change and you need to extend your stay, consider applying for a new visa or adjusting your current one.

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Court Hearings

If you ever get into trouble, you must always attend your court hearings. If you fail to show up, the judge may order your deportation. One of the essential hearings you should attend is for your immigration bonds. An immigration bond court hearing can help you stay in the United States during deportation proceedings. It can help you stay with your family instead of being detained. Additionally, the money you pay for the bond may be returned if the judge rules in your favor during the hearing.

Avoid Becoming a Public Charge

You can avoid being deemed a public charge by maintaining employment, having health insurance, and being financially stable. It’s essential to show that you can support yourself without relying on government assistance.

Know Your Rights

Knowing and understanding your rights as an immigrant in the United States is essential. This includes understanding what actions may lead to suspicion about your immigration status and what steps authorities can or cannot take regarding your immigration status. Consider seeking help from an immigration lawyer or organization if needed.

Following these tips can help prevent deportation proceedings against you. Always follow the laws and regulations of the United States and keep track of your immigration status. Additionally, avoid actions that may lead to suspicion about your immigration status and know your rights as an immigrant in the country.

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