How to Keep Your Household and Your Community Safe


There are many things to worry about in life, but your safety should be your top priority. Whether you’re at home or out and about in your community, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe.

Here are some tips on keeping yourself and your loved ones safe:

At home

1. Install a home security system. Burglars usually avoid homes with security systems because it is a riskier crime.

2. Keep lamps and candles away from curtains. This can cause a fire hazard.

3. Ensure that your house number is clearly visible from the street and sidewalk to make emergency calls easier for responders.

4. Never leave a key under a mat, rock, or door frame for emergency responders because a thief or other home invader can easily remove it.

5. Install window coverings that limit visibility into your home at night, like shutters or mini-blinds with the cords pushed inside the casing. This reduces your chances of becoming a target for thieves by preventing them from seeing any valuables within your home.

6. Keep doors and windows locked, even when you’re home. You’ll never know if you’re really home alone.

7. Install sturdy locks on your windows and doors, like deadbolts or double cylinder locks, especially on ground level rooms, so they can’t be forced open easily. 8. Make sure your lawn is well-kept so it doesn’t provide cover for burglars who are casing your property at night.

8. Trim trees and bushes so they don’t provide cover for burglars or intruders. You can do this yourself or hire professionals to take care of the job for you.

9. Keep your garage and shed locked, especially if they contain valuable tools or equipment.

10. If you’re going on vacation, ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home and pick up your mail and newspapers.

11. Have a family safety plan in case of an emergency, like a fire or home invasion. Make sure everyone in your household knows what to do in the event of an emergency.

12. Keep your glass windows and sliding glass doors closed, even while you’re home. This will prevent thieves or intruders from entering your home through windows or doors that are not locked. To keep windows open without worrying about safety, invest in screens with locks so windows can stay open for air circulation without allowing access to your home.

father walking his kid

When going out

1. Be aware of your surroundings. Stay vigilant and observe what is happening around you and within the community.

2. Don’t walk alone at night. If you are going home or off to somewhere at night, it’s best to walk with somebody else, if possible. If you need to walk by yourself, call someone beforehand and let them know your route, just in case something goes wrong.

3. Don’t carry large amounts of cash or wear expensive jewelry when you’re out and about. Leave valuables at home in a safe place where they can be safely stored. Keep your purse or wallet close to you when you’re out and about.

4. Make sure your car is locked when you’re not driving it. Car theft is common, especially when the car is left unlocked and running. Always park in well-lit areas.

5. If you’re driving, don’t leave any valuables in plain sight when you park your car in a public place such as an open parking lot or on main streets where it can be easily seen by strangers passing by. Thieves often watch people stop at stop signs and wait for the opportunity to attack.

6. Don’t leave your belongings unguarded in public places. This is basic, but many people still leave their belongings unguarded in coffee shops, libraries, and other public places. Make sure to take your belongings with you when you leave.

7. If something feels wrong or unsafe, trust your instincts and take action. If something doesn’t feel right, remove yourself from the situation and/or contact authorities. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

8. Be cautious when using social media. Don’t share too much personal information online that could make you a target for criminals.

9. Keep contact numbers of the authorities and emergency responders saved in your phone. This way, you’ll have them readily available in case of an emergency.

10. Use a crosswalk when crossing streets, even if you don’t see any cars coming. Drivers often can’t see pedestrians who are crossing the street at night, so it’s best to use a crosswalk where drivers are more likely to see you.

By following these tips, you can help keep yourself and your loved ones safe both at home and out in the community. Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

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