Community Development: Key Aspects to Consider amid a Crisis


The global pandemic brought about by the COVID-19 crisis has challenged every country worldwide. However, this has gone as far as challenging every community from various parts of the world. Not only has this taken a toll on people’s physical health, but it has also led to the rise of mental health issues due to lockdown, quarantine, and isolation.

For this reason, cultivating and nurturing a community is more important than ever. This is because a community has an impact on the overall well-being of its people. Community leaders and various stakeholders—from business owners to church leaders down to families, must come together during these unprecedented times. Everyone must work together to carve a sense of community among all people.

Learn five key aspects to consider in building a community amid a global crisis.

1. Physical and Environmental

The most obvious sign of a thriving community is its physical aspect. Community development can be seen by the presence of affordable houses, business centers, commercial establishments, churches, schools, and even parks. If, for example, roads have potholes, leaders are quick to hire professional asphalt services to ensure road safety. They also provide regular upkeep and immediate repair of highways, bridges, and other public structures.

Furthermore, community development entails taking care of the environment. Leaders and other stakeholders always have environmental preservation and sustainability in mind. Given today’s crisis, it’s best to consider the physical and environmental rehabilitation of your community while people stay in the comforts of their homes.

2. Economic

The financial resource speaks for itself as to how thriving a community is. A robust economy can be determined by the presence of banks and financial institutions and diverse small businesses in the locality. Also, a financially stable community offers job opportunities to its people and provides new business ventures to local entrepreneurs.

Yes, the global pandemic has affected local businesses since its outbreak. However, it is all the more necessary for leaders to provide these entrepreneurs with help and support now more than ever. They must also encourage the locals to consider opening relevant businesses such as cleaning services, delivery services, remote fitness, and e-commerce. That way, the community’s economy stays afloat and remains stable.

3. Political

A community heavily relies on its local officials and community leaders in terms of progress and development. As much as possible, people must have the utmost trust and confidence in their leaders. On the other hand, leaders must be public servants who look into the needs of their people. When both parties have a collaborative effort in working together for a common good, one can say that it’s a thriving community.

Let us say, for instance, the current COVID-19 crisis. When you see your local officials and authorities set, implement, and reinforce safety guidelines, you know that they are effective. These officials must be quick enough to respond to the local needs and resourceful enough to find effective ways to curb the spread of the virus. Even how they provide vaccination and streamline the process show how effective these leaders are.

4. Social

When it comes to the social aspect of community development, it involves all the people in the locality. Some social aspirations in community building include people-centered development, social justice, and active community participation. Simple activities such as sports tournaments, concert events, and even charity works can make a world of difference in the community.

Today’s current circumstances call for the unity and cooperation of all stakeholders involved. While leaders must be firm in setting safety protocols, people must strictly comply. By coming and working together, you can have a thriving community, no matter how challenging the COVID-19 crisis is.

5. Cultural

The cultural aspects of a community cannot be neglected. The community must continue to uphold its culture and traditions. That’s why you see landmarks being preserved and festivals held regularly in a community.

A thriving community preserves and promotes their culture as well as passes them on to the next generation. Even in the midst of a crisis, they continue to do so. After all, this culture is a part of the community’s identity that fosters a sense of belongingness among people.

Community development is crucial, especially during a global pandemic. That said, be sure to factor in these five key aspects of a community—physical, economic, political, social, and cultural. With all these in mind, leaders and families can come and work together in building a thriving community—even in the midst of a global crisis.

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