Five Reasons Why Divorce Affects The U.S.

A family going through a divorce

In the United States, the divorce rate is about 2 in 1,000 marriages. That might not seem like a lot, but it starts to add up when you consider that there are more than 2.4 million marriages annually. And that’s not even counting all of the couples who live together and break up without ever getting married in the first place.

While some might argue that divorce is a personal issue and doesn’t have any bearing on the wider world, that simply isn’t true. Divorce affects everyone in one way or another, whether you’ve been through it yourself or not. Here are five ways that divorce impacts the United States:

The economy takes a hit

The economic cost of divorce is estimated to be between $33 billion per year. This is because divorces often result in one spouse having to move out of the family home, which can lead to a decrease in income and an increase in expenses. In addition, divorces can also lead to a reduction in productivity at work as employees deal with the stress of their personal lives spilling over into their professional ones.

Children suffer academically and emotionally

There’s no denying that divorce is hard on children, even if they’re old enough to understand what’s happening. Studies have shown that children of divorced parents are more likely to have academic problems and are more likely to repeat a grade in school than their peers whose parents are still married. They’re also more likely to suffer from emotional issues such as anxiety and depression. In some cases, these problems can last well into adulthood.

Adults suffer too!

It’s not just children who suffer when their parents get divorced; adults do too. Studies have shown that men and women who get divorced are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those who stay married. They’re also more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs to self-medicate their emotional pain. And physically, adults who go through a divorce are more likely to experience an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol levels and a decrease in overall health.

A person getting arrested for crime committed

Increase in Crime Rates

You might not think that divorce would have anything to do with crime rates, but there is a direct correlation between the two. This is because people who get divorced are more likely to experience financial problems, leading to criminal activity such as theft or fraud to make ends meet. In addition, people who get divorced are more likely to experience anger and resentment, leading to violent behavior such as assault or murder.

Strains Government Resources

Divorce also indirectly impacts government resources such as education, healthcare, and law enforcement. This is because children of divorced parents are more likely to need special education services due to emotional and academic difficulties. In addition, adults who get divorced are more likely to need mental healthcare services as they deal with the emotional fallout of their divorce. And finally, increased crime rates resulting from divorce put a strain on law enforcement resources, costing taxpayers even more.

As you can see, divorce affects us all in one way or another—even if we’ve never been through it ourselves. While some might argue that it’s a personal issue and doesn’t have any bearing on the wider world, that simply isn’t true. From an economic standpoint to its impact on government resources, there’s no denying that divorce is a significant problem in the United States. Thankfully, there are ways to decrease or even mitigate the effects of divorce in the country. The most essential is to give people access to crucial resources.

Give Access to Resources

One way to help those going through a divorce is to give them access to resources that can help them. Here are some essential resources that can help people alleviate the damages of divorce.


The essential resource for anyone going through a divorce is an experienced divorce attorney. A good attorney can help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and ensure you receive what you need after the divorce. In addition, this can ensure that individuals who go through divorce are safe from financial burden.


Divorce can be an emotionally charged time, so it’s essential to have a therapist to talk to. A therapist can help you work through your emotions and help you develop coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of divorce. This can be an essential resource for people struggling emotionally recovering from their divorce.

Support Groups

Another helpful resource for people going through a divorce is a support group. These groups provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and feelings about divorce. They can also offer practical advice for dealing with the challenges of divorce. This can be an invaluable resource for people feeling isolated and alone during this difficult time.

There are many reasons why divorce affects the U.S. From an economic standpoint to its impact on government resources, there’s no denying that divorce is a significant problem in the United States. Thankfully, there are ways to decrease or even mitigate the effects of divorce in the country. The most essential is to give people access to critical resources. By doing this, people can begin to rebuild their lives after a divorce and minimize the negative impact it has on society.

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